US Patents: US10213640B2 & USD844075S

High-Performance, Versatile Yoga Blocks for Advanced & Basic Poses Stretching & Balance Assistance

Wrist Block
Maximum Comfort Wrist Alignment Yoga Blocks. Balance Assistance & Meditation Seat. Patent Pending
No-Slip Covers
Essential When Using Yoga-Grip with Wet Hands

Yoga-Grip Video
Wrist Block Video
Excellent Ergonomics By A Doctor Beautiful Design By An Artist
Both Yoga-Grip and Wrist Block are designed to eliminate wrist pain caused by severe wrist-bend during Yoga, Pilates and Pushups.
Trying to decide Which is Best for You?
High-Performance, Versatile Yoga Blocks for Advanced & Basic Poses Stretching & Balance Assistance
Wrist Block
Maximum Comfort Wrist Alignment Yoga Blocks. Balance Assistance & Meditation Seat. Patent Pending
There are two basic Yoga-Grip placements, PERPENDICULAR to the mat and PARALLEL.
See images below. Make adjustments to find the most comfortable placement in each pose.
Perpendicular Use
(for downward dog)

Parallel Use
(for most yoga poses)

Balance Support & Stretching
Yoga-Grip can be used as yoga blocks for balance support and can help with stretching, as shown in the examples below.

Wrist Alignment
For most poses we suggest starting with a hand position and wrist alignment similar to the images below and with the grips PARALLEL to your mat.
For Downward Dog pose see the “PERPENDICULAR Use” figure above.
Experiment to find the wrist alignment and hand position most comfortable for you.

Prior to use; Wash hand-grips and foot-pads with warm water and dish soap for a more grippy surface (removing the surface-film from the production process).
Always use a towel when moisture is present on floor or mat to prevent slipping.
When using Yoga-Grip with wet hands (Hot and Power Yoga) it is essential to utilize our Yoga-Grip No-Slip Covers for a secure grip. Please see the link at the top of our web site for information and to purchase.
Wrist Block

I can actually do yoga again! Several years ago I sustained a wrist injury that prevented me from being able to bear any weight on my right wrist ever since. Yoga-Grip has been an absolute game-changer. I don’t know what kind of magic is in the design of these, but they’ve given me the invaluable gift of freedom in my yoga practice. I can’t thank you enough, Yoga-Grip!
Seneca M., PhD
Fantastic product! Due to nagging wrist pain, I had to stop doing yoga a few years back. That was such a huge loss for me mentally, physically, and socially. Using Yoga-Grip I’ve done several classes including all the poses that were untouchable for me in the past with NO PAIN. Very, very grateful.
Jan B.
I’m Chris, designer of the patented Yoga-Grip. Due to a wrist injury many poses became too painful for me to continue practicing yoga. In searching for a product that would help, I found nothing effective. So, I committed to creating a solution for myself and others.
After a lot of prototyping, testing, design and re-design, the Yoga-Grip was born. Now anyone can safely and comfortably practice yoga without wrist pain! A few years later I designed the Wrist Block for people who might prefer wrist alignment by using a more familiar (yet, evolved) yoga block type solution.
My hope is Yoga-Grip or Wrist Block can be your solution too.